
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Reduce,Reuse, Recycle: Week 4



Teachers: Ms. Danielle and Ms. Ivonne

Study: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 

Focuses: P, 11, black, triangle, rough   






Interest Areas

Dramatic Play

Letter Mats



Free Choice

Large Groups

Q: What is composting?

Q: What are some words that  have short A sounds?

Q: What number is this?

Q:What is the word displayed on the board?

Q:What is your favorite spring activity? 


children’s choice

children’s choice

children’s choice

children’s choice

children’s choice

Small Groups


CVC words introduction: Short Letter A

Subitizing Numbers 1-5

CVC Words Practice

Lions will practice short a sound 

Show and Tell

Pp,11, black, triangle, rough or theme of the month: reduce, reuse, recycle 

Physical Activity

Lion’s will have a relay race 

Lion’s will use the exercise equipment: bouncy balls, trampoline, stepping stones. 

Lion’s will play ‘copy dance’ 

Lion’s will complete Go Noodle exercises 

Lion’s will play ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ 

Circle Time/Book of the Day

Lion’s choice of book 

Lion’s will sing ‘Tooty Ta’ 

Lion’s choice of book 

Lion’s will Sing ‘One Little Finger’

Lion’s choice of book 

Lion’s will sing ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’

Teacher’s choice of book 

Lion’s will Sing ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Lion’s choice of book 

Lions will Sing ‘The Wheels on the Bus go Round and around’ 


Lion’s will review the number 11 and practice their counting and writing skills

Lion’ will make triangle collages 

Lion’s will make rough textured sea salt art 

Lion’s will free paint with black paint on white paper

Lion’s will make a Pp is for popcorn craft using actual popcorn



Classroom Information

Monday, March 15, 2021

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Study: Week 3


Date:March 15th - March 19th

Teachers: Ms. Danielle and Ms. Ivonne

Study: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 

Focuses: Ii, 10, white, Octagon, squishy






Interest Areas

Dramatic Play

Letter Mats



Free Choice

Large Groups

Q: Where does our trash go after we throw it away?

Q: What is the beginning,middle, and ending sound?

Q: Can you build a trap to catch our leprechaun?

Q: What does reuse mean? 

Q:Should you throw paper out the window of a car or building?


Children's Choice

Children's Choice

Children's Choice

Children's Choice

Children's Choice

Small Groups

Recycling Center Dramatic Play

Leprechaun CVC

Lions will be practicing their ending and beginning sound knowledge as we spell out some CVC words.

Leprechaun Trap

Lions will be building their own leprechaun traps.

CVC Introduction: Short A

Show and Tell: Bring an item from the focus of the week Ii, 10, white, Octagon, squishy

Physical Activity

Lion’s will play ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ 

Lion’s will complete Go Noodle exercises 

Lion’s will use the exercise equipment: bouncy balls, trampoline, stepping stones. 

Lion’s will play ‘copy dance’ 

Lion’s will have a relay race 

Circle Time/Book of the Day

Lion’s choice of book 

Lions will Sing ‘The Wheels on the Bus go Round and around’ 

Lion’s choice of book 

Lion’s will sing ‘Tooty Ta’ 

Teacher’s choice of book 

Lion’s will Sing ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Lion’s choice of book 

Lion’s will Sing ‘One Little Finger’

Lion’s choice of book 

Lion’s will sing ‘Tooty Ta’


Lion’s will practice 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Week 2



Teachers: Ms. Danielle and Ms. Ivonne

Study: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 

Focuses: Tt ,9, Pink, Hexagon, Fluffy






Interest Areas

Dramatic Play

Letter Mats



Free Choice

Large Groups

Q: What does it mean to reduce?

Q: Is it in the beginning or ending sound?

Q: How can we represent the number 9?

Q: How many sides are in a hexagon?

Q: How does this item dissolve?


Children's Choice

Children's Choice

Children's Choice

Children's Choice

Children's Choice

Small Groups

Topic: What do we know about recycling?

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Lions will define and list things they know what to reduce,reuse, and recycle

Beginning or Ending Sound Game

Learning Lions will be playing a game on where a letter is placed in a word.

6 and 9 differentiation

Lions will differentiate between 6 and 9 as well as creating different ways to show 9.

Hexagon Cardboard Art

Packing Peanut Experiment

Using a packing peanut made out of potato starch instead of styrofoam, there will be less waste

Physical Activity

Lion’s will play ‘copy dance’ 

Lion's will have a dance party with balloons

Lion’s will play ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ 

Lion’s will have a relay race

Lion’s will complete Go Noodle exercises 

Circle Time/Book of the Day

Lion’s choice of book 

Lions will Sing ‘The Wheels on the Bus go Round and around’ 

Teachers choice of book 

Lion’s will sing "Hello, Hello, Hello How Are You Feeling Today?" 

Lion’s choice of book 

Lion’s will Sing ‘One Little Finger’

Teacher’s choice of book 

Lion’s will Sing ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Lion’s choice of book 

Lion’s will sing ‘Tooty Ta’ 


Lion's will review the number 9 and practice their writing and counting skills

Lion's will discuss how we can recycle or repurpose  the garbage that we normally throw away

Lion's will bring in recyclable materials and make a repurposed toilet roll monster using various recycled scraps  

Lion's will make a Tt is for Tree craft

Lion's will play with fluffy bubbles using cups and cookie cutters 



Classroom Information