
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Beginning of the Year: Week 4


Date: 9/20- 09/24/2021


 Ms. Danielle and Ms. Ivonne


 Beginning of the Year

Focuses: Pp, 16, Green, Oval, and Grainy    






Interest Areas





Sensory Bin

Large Group

Q: What do we do after breakfast?

Q: What are words that begin with Pp?

Music with Ms. Anna (9-9:30 AM)

Q: What are some things that are oval?

Q:What color are the leaves outside?

Q: When do things happen?


12 Days of Preschool

Children's Choice

12 Days of Preschool

Children's Choice

12 Days of Preschool 

Small Groups

Topic: When do things happen?

Schedule Game

Lions will put the schedule in order and review what activities are next to each other. 

Pp is for Pencil

Lions will craft a pencil with their name on it

Oval vs. Circle

Number 16

Leaf Painting

Using leaf as a brush, the Lions will create a resist art activity.

Show and Tell

What's your favorite part of the day?

Physical Activity

Lion’s will play Simone Says: workout edition

Lion’s will play ‘the floor is lava’

Lion’s will play copy dance

Lion’s will have three stations: bean bag toss, yoga poses, and jumping on stepping stones

Lion’s will have a dance party using balloons

Circle Time/Book of the Day

Teacher’s choice of book 

Lion’s choice of book 

Teacher’s choice of book 

Lion’s choice of book 

Teacher’s choice of book 


Lion’s will review the numbers 16  and practice their counting and writing skills

Lion’s will make an oval collage 

Lion’s will practice writing the letter Pp

Lion’s will explore the sensory bins

Lion’s will make grainy play dough using grainy rice 


Indigenous Peoples’ Day- October 11th: NDC will be closed

TBD October Family Zoo Day Event

Classroom Information

Please make sure to sign in/out of clipboard and iPad to ensure real-time attendance. Thanks!